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Career & Academic Planning

My Career and Academic Plan (MyCAP)

My Career and Academic Plan (MyCAP) is a multi-year career and academic planning process for students in Grades 6 through 12. Students will engage in learning and reflection focused on their individual interests, skills, and talents. Through MyCAP, students will explore different careers and academic options for life after high school. This process allows students to be the drivers of their education and empowers them to connect their current courses with career interests, to seek out career development opportunities, and to identify the personal, social, and behavioral skills needed to be successful in the workplace.

MyCAP is designed to increase a student’s understanding of the connection and relevance of what they do now to their future plans and future success.

Learning objectives for MyCAP are available here.

Career and Academic Planning Resources

Student Resume Template
The link above will open a resume template designed for Lynn high school students.
For helpful information about how to use this template to complete a resume, click here.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) checklist:
The link above will open a checklist your family can use to complete the FAFSA.

Work Based Learning Plan Template
MA Work Based Learning Plan_template.pdf

The link above will open the Work Based Learning plan for Lynn high school students who participate in a for-credit work experience. For questions about work-based learning, please contact [email protected].