Welcome Pickering families and staff to the 2024-2025 academic school year! The faculty and staff are looking forward to meeting all of you. All students will begin the school year on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Pickering’s school hours will remain the same: 7:45am – 2:30pm.
On the first day of school, grade 6 students will report to the cafeteria to meet their guidance counselor, homeroom and cluster teachers and receive their homeroom assignments. Grade 7 & 8 students will report to the gym to meet their guidance counselor, homeroom and cluster teachers and receive their homeroom assignments. All students should remember to bring their charged laptop and charger to school every day. Parents, please review the new dress code and attendance policy with your children. These can be found on the Lynn public Schools website. Also, as a reminder student cell phones must be off during school hours. Parents can contact the school at 781-477-7440 to get in touch with their child. If a student needs to contact a parent or guardian, they can get permission from a teacher or other staff member.