Lynn Public Schools Music Department
Music Education holds a long and vibrant history within the Lynn Public Schools. The presence of Schools Bands, Orchestras, and Choirs is deeply ingrained in our local culture, and our school music offerings continue to evolve in partnership with the greater Lynn community. Did you know that Aborn Elementary School was named after past LPS Director of Music, James Aborn?
Music courses are available at all our schools from PreK to Grade 12, offering a diverse range of options to cater to all types of learners.
Our team of 40 Music Educators designs learning opportunities based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for the Arts. The state standards for Music are categorized into four main areas:
· create original work aligned to the artist’s intent,
· perform artistic works to others,
· respond to the structure and context of artistic works, and
· make connections about the impact of music on oneself, history, and culture.
To learn more about the 2019 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for the Arts, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Education Website: https://www.doe.mass.edu/instruction/arts/
Please Explore our Music Department by clicking the links to the left of this page.