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Dear Fallon Families,

As we embark on a new school year, we are excited to have your child join us. Whether you are new to our school or returning, we look forward to working together to make this year successful for our students.

The Fallon Elementary School is a community where we strive to create a positive learning collaboration that fosters respectful and responsible life-long learners in a safe and supportive environment. Using a strength/asset-based behavior management system, the school offers various academic and therapeutic supports. The goal is to provide the student with the skills to reintegrate back into the comprehensive campus.

At Fallon Elementary School, we are committed to providing a safe learning environment where every student can thrive. Our dedicated team of educators work tirelessly to support each child's academic, social, and emotional development. We believe that education is a partnership between school and home, and we value the trust you have placed in us.

Core Values:

  • Life-long Staff and Student Learning
  • Safe School Climate
  • Character Education- tie in with Caring Schools and Casel Competencies

Communication: We prioritize open and regular communication with our families. You can expect updates on your child’s progress, important school events, and other announcements through School Messenger emails, texts, and Fallon Schoology. We encourage you to stay connected and reach out with any questions or concerns.

Classroom: Our classroom instruction is designed to meet diverse learners' needs and prepare students for future challenges.

We are excited about the year ahead. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community. We look forward to working closely with you and our students to ensure a year filled with celebration of learning and growth.


In partnership,


Miki Nishijo-DiVirgilio

Interim Director of Fallon Elementary School
