Location/ Ubicación
Beginning February 2024, the classes for LCEP will be held at LVTI Annex Building. With the exception of the Pottery and Yoga classes. The Pottery Class will be located in the Thurgood Marshall Middle School and
Apartir de Febrero 2024, las clases de LCEP serán dadas en el edificio Anexo de Lynn Tech. Le excepción es la clase de Yoga que se dá en el Escuela Primaria de Washington.
LVTI Annex, Summer St. Entrance
Edif. Anexo, Entrada sobre la calle Summer Street
310 Summer Street Lynn, MA 01902

Parking Lot Entrance/ Entrada al Parqueo


Yoga Entrance at Washington Elementary School (A3)

Pottery Entrance at Thurgood Marshall Middle School (A4)
(Both Classes)