A-Z Animals
Vist A-Z Animals, an online animal encyclopedia where you can learn about all your favourite animals, and even some you may have never heard of!
...free educational computer games and activities for elementary students in kindergarten to grade 5
Bill Nye, The Science Guy
...a site devoted to science and Bill Nye's television show
...animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids, aligned with state standards.
CIA Kids Page
...a well-done site that explains the role of the CIA, and leads to information about countries and other interesting facts
Discovery Education Math Homework Help
...an online database of resources to help students with their math homework
...hundreds of links to all things Disney -- movies, television, theme parks, etc.
Enchanted Learning
...a site with lots of information. Check out the US States section!
...a fact-filled site with ready reference information for students
...try Paw Park Alphabet Bears to brush up on your alphabetical order
Girl Scouts of the USA
...learn all you ever wanted to know about the history and present-day activities of the Girl Scouts
Highlights Kids
...a click-and-play Hidden Pictures website
...a well-done online homework resource center developed by educators, students, parents and journalists
How Stuff Works
...find out how some common things like radar and electric motors work
...carve a virtual jack-o-lantern for Halloween!
...find out what a typical Japanese house is like. Take off your shoes!
Just For Math
...amazing..."making FREE and hopefully useful math videos for the world!"
Kids' Korner
...a fun site for kids which includes educational sites, reading material, places to visit, things to do, TV, music, and toys
...a communications playground for kids ages 4-15
...a gateway of hundreds of sites dealing with topics of interest for students
Kids' Place
(goes with your math book!)
Latitude and Longitude
...help find Hannah, who is lost in the world, using your knowledge of latitude and longitude
Learn to Juggle
...these online lessons and animations will have you juggling in no time
Little Explorers
...an online picture dictionary with links; for primary students
Magnetic Poetry Game
...use word tiles to create poetry of your own
Math Playground
...play math games, solve puzzles
Mrs. P.--Storyteller
...a website providing classic children's stories and read-alongs
...a collection of fun games to practice your tables
Multnomah County Library Homework Center
...a useful set of links, organized by the topics that students need for homework help
...NetSmartzKids is an interactive, educational safety resource for children that used age-appropriate, 3-D activities to teach children how to stay safer on the Internet.
...There's a lot to deal with on the Internet-cyberbullies, privacy settings, gossip, and even creeps. These resources can help you navigate the Internet while guarding your reputation. Watch Real Life Stories! (Recommended for grades 4 and 5)
National Geographic Kids
...learn world facts, read articles from the magazine, and visit places around the globe
NIEH Kids' Pages: Song-along Songs
...lyrics, midi files, and additional information for hundreds of classic children's songs
NYPL On-Lion for Kids
...a great set of links to literary and Internet links put together by the New York Public Library
...the American Museum of Natural History's site for kids containing fun and educational activities about astronomy, biodiversity, Einstein, genetics, marine biology, paleontology, and much more
PBS Kids
...play hundreds of fun educational kids games with PBS KIDS favorites such as Curious George, Elmo, Super Why and many more!
Professor Bubbles' Bubblespace
...learn everything about bubbles from the history of bubbles to how to make them successfully
...an unofficial Boy Scout page with links to many items of interest for scouts
Spelling City
...play a variety of games with your classroom spelling list
Surfing the Net with Kids
...quite a few topic-based list of links for for kids to visit; new links weekly
...a fun, interactive secret message site for kids with information about cryptography included
Time Magazine for Kids
...the kids' version of this weekly magazine
Trophies Main Menu
(goes with your Trophies reading book!)
Wacky Web Tales
...a MadLibs style game with funny results
Yahoo! Kids
...Yahoo's Internet directory for kids
Younger Superstars
...Just for Our Superstars..links to all types of interactive educational games for the youngest students