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Finance and Grants

Finance Department Information
Phone (781) 593-1680
Fax (781) 477-7487
Address 100 Bennett Street, Lynn, MA 01905
Business Administrator Kevin McHugh
Extension 3232
Manager of Financial Operations Yeimi Colon
Extension 3238 Fax (781) 477-7487
Confidential Secretary Julie Cowdell
Extension 3232
Fax (781) 477-7487
Payroll Manager Ashley Casey
Extension 3104 Fax (781) 477-7374
Procurement Specialist Kristine O'Neill
Extension 3108 Fax (781) 477-7374
Accounts Payable Kathy Bogart
Extension 3150 Fax (781) 477-7303
Grants Department Information
Phone (781) 477-7220
Fax (781) 477-7303
Address 100 Bennett Street, Lynn, MA 01905
Director of State, Federal, Foundation Grants and Regulatory Compliance Nichole Hagstrom
Extension 3204 Fax (781) 477-7303
Grants Manager Danielle Polonsky
Extension 3140 Fax (781) 477-7303
Grants Account Clerk Beth Whittier
Extension 3201 Fax (781) 477-7303