High School Health Curriculum Units of Instruction
1. Personal Wellness: In this unit, students will become familiar with the dimensions of personal wellness and how it impacts all aspects of their lives. Students will focus on learning, applying, and analyzing skills relating to positive personal wellness. 18 - 45 min. class periods (9 blocks)
1. Dimensions of Wellness ( Ch. 1, Lesson 1)
2. What Affects Your Health? ( Ch. 1, Lesson 2)
3. Your Behavior & Reducing Health Risks ( Ch. 1, Lesson 3)
4. Living / Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle ( Ch. 1, Lesson 4)
5. Building Health Skills ( Ch. 2, Lesson 1)
6. Making Responsible Decisions & Goal Setting ( Ch. 2, Lesson 2)
7. Developing Your Self-Esteem ( Ch. 3, Lesson 1)
8. Developing Personal Identity and Character ( Ch. 3, Lesson 2)
9. Expressing Emotions in Healthful Ways ( Ch. 3, Lesson 3)
10. Stress - Effects of/& how to Manage ( Ch. 4, Lesson 1 & 2)
11. Coping with Loss & Grief ( Ch. 4, Lesson 3)
12. Dealing with Anxiety & Teen Depression ( Ch. 5, Lesson 1)
13.Mental Disorders ( Ch. 5, Lesson 2)
14. Suicide Prevention ( Ch. 5, Lesson 3)
15. Getting Help ( Ch. 5, Lesson 4)
Essential Questions:
1. How does behavior, including the risks you take, affect your health & wellness?
2. How are decision making and goal setting interrelated? And how can they promote a positive personal wellness?
3. How do teens develop skills to promote a positive identity and learn to understand and manage their emotions?
4. How do optimistic, resilient adolescences positively manage stress?
5. How might friends, family, and mental health professionals help an individual cope with common mental health disorders?
6. How can communication skills impact all dimensions of personal wellness?
Goals & Objectives: Students will:
1. Describe the connection between health skills and knowledge and positive personal wellness (physical, mental/emotional, social wellness).
2. Apply positive personal wellness skills into their daily lives.
3. Reflect and analyze on their personal behavior and how it will affect them now and in the future.
GLE's / Assessments:
1. FS2C9-12: Compare and contrast constructive versus destructive defense mechanisms as a means for handling one's emotions. (HPE2, NH4)
2. ME1A9-12: Identify the steps used in the problem solving model to examine daily living situations. (HPE1-4, HPE6, NH1)
3. ME4A9-12: Apply practices that preserve and enhance the safety and health of others (e.g., conflict resolution, peer mediation, seeking adult or professional consultation, stress management, goal setting, decision making, assertive behavior, resisting peer pressure, & asset development). (HPE2, NH5)
4. ME4D9-12: Create a plan using life management skills to address personal and social concerns that are a part of daily living (e.g., learning to manage time and stress, setting goals, dealing with conflicts, working collaboratively). (HPE2, NH5, NH6)
5. ME3A9-12: Analyze the health claims that the media make and their impact on physical, mental/emotional, and social health. (HPE6, NH2)
2. Nutrition: In this unit, students will become familiar with the factors of proper nutrition and how to make healthful food choices. Topics will include the six nutrients, mypyramid.gov, nutrition labels, food borne illnesses, fad diets, eating disorders and healthy weight management. 12 - 45 min. class periods (6 blocks)
1. The Importance of Nutrition during the Teen Years ( Ch. 10, Lesson 1)
2. Nutrients ( Ch. 10, Lesson 2)
3. Guidelines for Healthful Eating ( Ch. 10, Lesson 3)
4. Nutrition Labels and Food Safety ( Ch. 10, Lesson 4)
5. Maintaining a Healthy Weight ( Ch. 11, Lesson 1)
6. Body Image and Eating Disorders ( Ch. 11, Lesson 2)
7. Lifelong Nutrition ( Ch. 11, Lesson 3)
8. Benefits of Physical Activity ( Ch. 12, Lesson 1)
Essential Questions:
1. How do healthy eating habits/decisions affect all aspects of our personal wellness throughout life?
2. Why are all 6 nutrients important to our overall health? What is the relationship between nutrition, quality of life, & disease?
3. Why is healthy weight management important for good personal wellness?
How does weight management differ from individual to individual?
4. Why is it important to recognize the signs and symptoms of different eating disorders?
Goals & Objectives: Students will:
1. Describe the connection between a healthy eating style and positive weight management.
2. Apply positive healthy eating and weight management skills into their daily lives.
3. Reflect and analyze on their personal eating and weight management behavior and how it will affect them now and in the future.
GLE's / Assessments:
1. ME2A9-12: Assess key nutrients and their specific functions and influences on body processes (e.g., disease prevention). (HPE2, NH1)
2. ME2A9-12: Assess how nutritional needs change throughout the life cycle. (HPE2, NH1)
3. ME2B9-12: Prove how a well-balanced diet that is low in fat, high in fiber, vitamins and minerals can reduce the risk of certain disease. (HPE2, NH1-2)
4. ME2B9-12: Investigate and analyze the factors that influence dietary choices (e.g., lifestyle, ethnicity, family, media, & advertising). (HPE2, NH1-2)
5. ME2C9-12: Apply concepts using food labels to meet the dietary needs of individuals for a healthy lifestyle (e.g., diabetes, lactose intolerance, food allergies). (HPE2, HPE6, NH1)
6. ME2D9-12: Discuss the cause and effect relationships that influence a safe food supply (e.g., regulatory agencies, food handling & production, food storage techniques, pesticides, additives, bioterrorism). (HPE2,HPE6, NH7)
7. ME2E9-12: Design a nutritional plan based on the relationship between food intake and activity level with regard to weight management and healthy living (e.g., caloric intake, calorie expenditure, weight gain, weight maintenance, and safe weight loss). (HPE2, NH5)
8. ME3A9-12: Evaluate the role the media can play in influencing young adults' self concept by idealizing body image and elite performance levels of famous people. (HPE6, NH2)
3. Community & Environmental Health: In this unit, students will become familiar with various health services and providers and how to choose the best options for their own personal wellness. Students will also become familiar with how a community's impact on the environment can affect and individual's personal wellness.8 - 45 min. class periods (4 blocks)
1. Being a Health-Literate Consumer ( Ch. 2, Lesson 3)
2. Managing Consumer Problems ( Ch. 2, Lesson 4)
3. Understanding Public Health Services ( Ch. 28, Lesson 1)
4. Choosing Community Health Services ( Ch. 28, Lesson 1)
5. Air Quality and Health ( Ch. 28, Lesson 2)
6. Advocating for a Healthy Environment ( Ch. 28, Lesson 3)
Essential Questions:
1. Why is being an informed health consumer important to making proper decisions concerning your personal wellness, such as when to seek a second medical opinion?
2. How can the environment influence the health and wellness of a community?
3. Why might some health messages delivered through advertising in the media be misleading?
4. What effect is a poor economy likely to have on a community? What effect is a poor economy likely to have on world health?
5. How do the nation's environmental health goals and objectives in Healthy People 2010 relate to individual, family, and community health?
Goals & Objectives: Students will:
1. Describe the connection between positive and/or negative consumer choices and its impact on both the individual and the community.
2. Apply positive health consumer skills, both personally and in the community.
3. Reflect and analyze how health consumer choices affect both the individual and the community.
GLE's / Assessments:
1. ME3B9-12: Analyze the reliability of health care information, services and products that could affect consumer decision making (e.g., finding specialists such as CDC, county health departments, extension centers; insurance carriers; clinics, hospitals, OB/GYN, and emergency rooms). (HPE6, NH8)
2. ME3C9-12: Develop a list of individual and/or governmental agencies and explain their responsibility for providing assistance to people for their health needs (e.g., Al-anon for drug abuse or dermatologist for acne).(HPE6, NH3)
3. RA4A9-12: Compare present environment health problems to past environment health problems and develop strategies to reduce or correct these problems for the future (e.g., destruction of the ozone layer, asbestos, second-hand smoke, nuclear disasters, carpooling). (HPE2, NH1,NH7)
4. RA4B9-12: Compare ways that individuals, communities, state and federal government can cooperate to promote environmental health. (HPE2, NH8)
4. Safety & First Aid: In this unit, students will become familiar with the basic components of First Aid and CPR for the Lay Responder as taught by the American Red Cross (ARC). Students can obtain ARC certification in First Aid and CPR for the Lay Responder if they pass both the skills and written tests as directed by the ARC. 12 - 45 min. class periods (6 blocks)
1. Providing First Aid ( Ch. 27, Lesson 1)
2. CPR & First Aid for Shock and Choking ( Ch. 27, Lesson 2) *Certification for CPR will be taught according to Red Cross Standards
3. Responding to Common Emergencies ( Ch. 27, Lesson 3)
4. Emergency Preparedness ( Ch. 27, Lesson 4)
5. Personal Safety & Protection/Online Safety ( Ch. 26, Lesson 1)
6. Safety on the Road ( Ch. 26, Lesson 4)
Essential Questions:
1. Why is it important to know the basics of CPR and First Aid for your personal wellness? (e.g., universal precautions)
2. How can making the right decision influence an emergency situation?
3. Why is making the right decision in an emergency important?
4. Why is it important to know first aid procedures in order to achieve the goals of Healthy People 2010?
Goals & Objectives: Students will:
1. Determine the skills and knowledge needed to respond appropriately during emergency situations.
2. Apply the appropriate skills in an emergency situation.
3. Reflect and analyze how life saving skills can make a difference in an emergency situation.
GLE's / Assessments:
1. RA2A9-12: Describe & analyze methods that can be effective in preventing societal problems affecting teens (e.g., rape, assault, homicide and other personal safety risks, gangs)
2. RA2B9-12: Identify, from a given list, those situations that are life threatening and perform basic life saving maneuvers (e.g., CPR, abdominal thrust, bleeding control, shock, burns, asthma, bee stings, snake bites, poisoning). (HPE2, HPE7, NH7)
3. RA2C9-12: Recognize activity-related conditions (e.g., bleeding, shock, asthma, low blood sugar, diabetes, dehydration) and perform appropriate first aid procedures and practices for each. (HPE5, NH7)
4. RA2C9-12: Recognize weather-related emergencies (e.g., dehydration, asthma, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia, frostbite) and perform appropriate first aid procedures and practices. (HPE5, NH7)
5. Substance Abuse & Prevention: In this unit, students will become familiar with the risks and danger of abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD). Students will learn how drugs affect the brain, refusal strategies and how to advocate for a drug free environment. 20 - 45 min. class periods (10 blocks)
1. The Role of Medicines ( Ch. 19, Lesson 1)
2. Using Medicines Safely ( Ch. 19, Lesson 2)
3. The Health Risks of Tobacco Use ( Ch. 20, Lesson 1)
4. Choosing to Live Tobacco Free ( Ch. 20, Lesson 2)
5. Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment ( Ch. 20, Lesson 3)
6. The Health Risks of Alcohol Use ( Ch. 21, Lesson 1)
7. Choosing to be Alcohol Free (Ch. 21, Lesson 2)
8. The Impact of Alcohol Abuse ( Ch. 21, Lesson 3)
9. The Health Risks of Drug Use ( Ch. 22, Lesson 1)
10.Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steroids ( Ch. 22, Lesson 2)
11. Psychoactive Drugs ( Ch. 22, Lesson 3)
12. Living Drug Free ( Ch. 22, Lesson 4)
Essential Questions:
1. What are the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (such as physical, mental, social, and legal consequences)?
2. How are addicts as well as family and friends of addicts affected by the disease? What are the resources available for these addicts and their family and friends?
3. What are the factors that influence a teen's decision about substance abuse? (e.g., family, friends, society, media)
4. Why should teens engage in healthy alternatives instead of substance use? What are some of these healthy alternatives?
Goals & Objectives: Students will:
1. Determine the skills and knowledge necessary to promote healthy decision making regarding ATOD.
2. Apply skills and knowledge that promote healthy decisions regarding ATOD.
3. Reflect and analyze how those decisions impact their overall personal wellness.
GLE's / Assessments:
1. RA3A9-12: Assess the short & long-term effects that performance enhancing aids have on the body processes (e.g., liver damage, heart failure, brain aneurysm, anger, "road rage", acne, violence, memory loss, hepatitis, HIV) and on individuals and society (e.g., body image, obsession with winning, violent behavior, black market/illegal purchases). (HPE5, NH1, NH3)
2. RA3B9-12: Explain why individuals need to follow label guidelines for all substances (e.g., compatibility of ingested substances). (HPE5, NH1,NH3)
3. RA3C9-12: Evaluate the short and long term effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances on the body (e.g., changes in mood, thought processes, mental ability, coordination, reaction time) and draw conclusions on the impact of these substances on personal, social, and economic threats to society. (HPE5, NH1, NH3)
4. RA3C9-12: Review healthy alternatives to substance use and investigate effective strategies to promote individual, family, and community health. (HPE5, NH1, NH3)
5. RA3C9-12: Assess the risk of chemical dependency and locate available help if alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use becomes a problem. (HPE5, NH1, NH3)
6. RA3C9-12: Evaluate personal risks for chemical dependency based upon personal, family, and environmental factors. (HPE 5, NH1, NH3)
6. Disease Prevention & Healthy Relationships: In this unit, students will become familiar with what it means to be in a healthy relationship and how to prevent communicable diseases. Abstinence will be the underlying theme of the unit. 12 - 45 min. class periods (6 blocks)
1. Foundations of Healthy Relationships ( Ch. 6, Lesson 1)
2. Respecting Yourself and Others ( Ch. 6, Lesson 2)
3. Communicating Effectively ( Ch. 6, Lesson 3)
4. Healthy Family Relationships ( Ch. 7, Lesson 1)
5. Strengthening Family Relationships ( Ch. 7, Lesson 2)
6. Help for Families ( Ch. 7, Lesson 3)
7. Safe & Healthy Friendships ( Ch. 8, Lesson 1)
8. Peer Pressure & Refusal Skills ( Ch. 8, Lesson 2)
9. Practicing Abstinence ( Ch. 8, Lesson 3)
10. Causes of Conflict ( Ch. 9, Lesson 1)
11. Resolving Conflict ( Ch. 9, Lesson 2)
12. Understanding Violence ( Ch. 9, Lesson 3)
13. Preventing and Overcoming Abuse ( Ch. 9, Lesson 4)
14. The Male & Female Reproductive Systems ( Ch. 16, Lesson 2 & 3)
15. Prenatal Development and Care ( Ch. 17, Lesson 1)
16. Understanding Communicable Diseases ( Ch. 23, Lesson 1)
17. Common Communicable Diseases ( Ch. 23, Lesson 2)
18. Fighting Communicable Diseases ( Ch. 23, Lesson 3)
19. Emerging Diseases and Pandemics ( Ch. 23, Lesson 4)
20.Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases ( Ch. 24, Lesson 1)
21. Preventing and Treating STIs ( Ch. 24, Lesson 2)
22.HIV/AIDS ( Ch. 24, Lesson 3)
23.Preventing and Treating HIV/AIDS ( Ch. 24, Lesson 4) ( Ch. 25 - Noncommunicable Diseases ?)
Essential Questions:
1. What does it mean to be in a healthy relationship? How does that impact your personal wellness?
2. What are some communicable diseases? How is the best way to prevent them?
3. How can abstinence positively affect your personal wellness?
4. What role do alcohol and other drugs play in unsafe situations such as the contraction of HIV/STIs.
5. Why is HIV/AIDS considered an epidemic in the teen population? Why are teens at high risk for getting an STI?
6. How is HIV transmitted?
Goals & Objectives: Students will:
1. Describe the connection between healthy relationships and disease prevention.
2. Apply skills and knowledge that promote healthy relationships and disease prevention.
3. Reflect and analyze how those skills impact their overall personal wellness.
GLE's / Assessments:
1. FS2B9-12: Develop a list of attributes needed to live effectively with others. (HPE2, NH2)
2. FS2C9-12: Predict how the dynamics of relationships with family, groups, and community change as the individual matures. (HPE2,NH4)
3. ME4E9-12: Develop a list of intervention skills that can be used to prevent violence and describe when and how to use these skills. (HPE2, HPE5, NH1)
4. RA1A9-12: Describe the effects of positive lifestyles behaviors on the occurrence of communicable disease. (HPE3, NH1, NH3)
5. RA1A9-12: Conduct research to answer questions regarding epidemiological studies and cite evidence about the management and prevention of communicable diseases (e.g., local health department statistics, youth risk behavior survey (YRBS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH). (HPE3, NH1, NH3)
6. RA1A9-12: Analyze past problems related to communicable diseases to develop strategies to predict, prevent, solve or manage present or future disease-related problems. (HPE3, NH1, NH3)
7. RA1B9-12: Describe the primary and secondary defenses for prevention of disease and discuss how they help to maintain or improve them. (HPE3, NH1)
8. RA1C9-12: Formulate and support an interpretation regarding the reoccurrence of resistant strains of pathogens (e.g., strep, herpes, mononucleosis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV, Staph Infection). (HPE3, HPE5, NH1, NH3)
9. RA1D9-12: Compare signs and symptoms of common sexually transmitted infections. (HPE3, HPE5, NH1)
10. RA1D9-12: Explain how sexually transmitted infections can affect an individual's physical, social, mental/emotional, intellectual, professional, and economic well-being (e.g., HIV/AIDS sterility, Kaposi Sarcoma, pneumonia, PCP, stress, oral thrush, yeast infections). (HPE3, HPE5, NH1)
11. RA1F9-12: Analyze and evaluate how teen pregnancy and parenting can impact personal, family and societal perspectives (e.g., dropout, low self-esteem, abandonment, and economics). (HPE3, NH1)
12. RA1F9-12: Investigate and analyze the cause and effect relationship between obtaining prenatal care and the health of the mother and baby (e.g., nutrition, alcohol, and tobacco consumption, physical activity, age, and other drug use) and it's effects on the unborn child (e.g., leg deformities, retardation, learning disabilities, addiction, low birth weight). (HPE3, NH1)
13. RA1F9-12: Evaluate the progression of reliability of various contraceptive methods from most reliable to least reliable (e.g., abstinence, barrier methods, oral methods, surgical methods, injectable methods, implants). (HPE3, NH1)