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Multilingual Education

The Multilingual Learner (ML) population is the fastest growing population in K-12 education. Lynn Public Schools' Multilingual Learners represent over 55 different countries and more than 30 different languages.

The Multilingual Education Department (MLE) focuses on developing Multilingual language proficiency and meeting grade-level state content-area standards.

MLE Vision:

The Multilingual Education Department (MLE) serves emerging bilinguals in the Lynn Public Schools as they acquire social and academic language proficiency in English, while honoring and building upon their existing linguistic funds of knowledge.

  • We believe equity is the core of our work.
  • We believe that bilingualism and biliteracy is a valuable asset.
  • We believe that students can, with responsive supports, succeed academically and linguistically to demonstrate knowledge of grade-level standards and skills.
  • We believe that all district and school level decisions must first meet the needs of students who have historically faced significant barriers to educational access.
  • We believe in an asset-based philosophy that values students' linguistic, academic, and cultural backgrounds.
  • We believe in students' ability to thrive academically and linguistically to succeed in a global society.


Do you want to be recognized for being proficient in one or more languages in addition to English?

Over 300 Lynn students earned the Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy. They were able to demonstrate high levels of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English and 7 other partner languages.

Now it is your turn!

If you would like to earn the Seal of Biliteracy this year, please see your guidance counselor for more information after your school assembly.

  1. Volunteer to participate in the MA State Seal of Biliteracy program by completing an application in October after your school assembly.
  2. Parents/ Guardians are notified of a student's voluntary intent to participate.
  3. Students participate in language proficiency testing in their senior year.
  4. Results of testing will be shared within 1 month of testing and available to share with colleges.
  5. Seal of Biliteracy or Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction will be awarded once students have met all other graduation requirements.

For additional information, families can contact Sharon Kalagher at [email protected].
