Welcome to the Lynn School Committee

School Committee Operating Protocols
(Updated 04/10/2021)
As elected members of the Lynn School Committee, we, including the Superintendent, accept the high honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of the district receive the best education possible. In accepting this role, we hold the pursuit of that goal as our sacred duty. To that end, we hereby commit to the following in the conduct of our business:
#1. Support the educational welfare and wellbeing of all students
- We will make all students our priority.
- We believe students are best served by the continuing discovery of and supporting the needs of families, staff and all stakeholders.
- We will set goals and define accountability for the Committee, Superintendent, staff and students.
#2. Dedicate ourselves to establishing and maintaining effective communication
- Set the tone for the entire school system and make every effort to convey an honest assessment of our needs to create a positive environment in our school system.
- Have ongoing knowledge of and a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the School Committee and the Superintendent.
- Channel requests for information, reports, and data through the Secretary, the Superintendent, and/or the Chair rather than directly to staff. The Superintendent will ensure that each member has equal access to this information in a timely manner.
- Recognize the importance of timely proactive communication and agree that there will be no surprises. If Committee members have questions or concerns, they agree to contact the Superintendent, and for topics to be discussed at meeting, well in advance of that meeting.
- Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information and respect the Open Meeting Law.
- Welcome all family, staff and stakeholder concerns and complaints and assist in directing them to the appropriate person within the district chain of communication.
- Recognize the importance of working collaboratively with city officials to improve our schools and actively seek ways to enlist their support for our efforts.
- Recognize the importance of honoring our norms and beliefs and agree to take responsibility for respectfully reminding one another when we get off track.
#3. Demonstrate professional and collegial relations with one another
- Maintain transparency, trust and mutual respect between and among Committee members, the Superintendent, and the administration by treating everyone with dignity and respect, even in times of disagreement.
- Base decisions on our stated goals, vote our convictions, avoid bias, and uphold and support the decisions of the majority of the Committee once a decision is made.
- Recognize that authority rests only with majority decisions of the committee and make no independent commitments or take any independent actions that may compromise the committee as a whole.
Agree that our positions will not be used for personal or partisan gain.
- Acknowledge that a Committee meeting is a business meeting held in public – not a public meeting. We will make every effort to ensure that meetings are effective and efficient.
Respect the leadership roles of the Committee Chair and Superintendent.