Coordinated Family and Community Engagement
Lynn Public Schools Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) Program provides year-round programming for families with children 0-8 years of age. The program is offered by Lynn Public Schools and funded through a grant awarded by the Department of Early Education and Care for families residing in Lynn and Nahant.
The CFCE Program supports parents as their child's first and most important teacher and supports lifelong learning.
The CFCE Program offers families:
- Literacy focused experiences including Story Times, StoryWalks® and a literacy based parent education program.
- Various playgroups that provide opportunities to meet other families and play together in appropriate, fun and safe experiences. Playgroup experiences focus on all areas of the child development and some specialize in art/sensory, music and movement or Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) experiences.
- Information about Child Development and Social Emotional Learning, Literacy, School Readiness and more.
- Parent Education opportunities.
- Information about Community Events.
- Resources and Referrals to meet individual needs of families.
- Completion of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire Developmental Screening and Social Emotional Screening to help parents support their own child's educational development.
All CFCE Programs ;are free of charge to families.
For up to date program information or to view the CFCE monthly calendar, please visit our Facebook page at or contact:
Family and Community Engagement Coordinator
Kathleen Torosian
(781) 656-5028
[email protected]
Visit Our Facebook Page!
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in cooperation with the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.