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Preschool Information

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The 2025-2026 Pre-K Lottery English and Spanish online application are ready!

Lynn Public Schools 2025-2026 Preschool Lottery Application

The Lynn Public Schools offers the following Preschool Programs:

Integrated Preschool Program
In accordance with the Massachusetts General Law MGL (603 CMR 28.00: Special Education), the Lynn Public Schools has a number of Integrated Preschool Programs for children with and without special needs. The primary purpose of the program is to integrate three- and four-year-old children with special needs in a preschool classroom with typically developing (non-special needs) four year old children serving as role models. The program provides children with special needs the opportunity to learn from their peers as well as from the instructional staff.

Small Group Learning Preschool Program

In accordance with the Massachusetts General Law MGL (603 CMR 28.00: Special Education), the Lynn Public Schools has a number of sub-separate preschool programs. These programs serve primarily or solely children with disabilities. We provide programs in which more than 50% of the children have disabilities and the class sizes are limited to nine students with one teacher and one paraprofessional.

General Education 4-year-old Pre-K Program
The general education 4-year-old programs. To be eligible for this program, children must be 4 years of age before September 1 of that school year. Children are placed in the program through a lottery process. Classroom sizes are limited to 18 students with one teacher and one paraprofessional.

Dual Language Pre-K Program

In our dual language program, instruction is provided in two languages (Spanish and English). In Pre-k, 90% of the day is taught in Spanish and 10% of the day is taught in English. To be eligible for this program, children must speak Spanish and be 4 years of age by September 1 of that school year. Children are placed in the program through a lottery process. Classroom sizes are limited to 18 students with one teacher and one paraprofessional.

Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Programs
Through the Department of Early Education and Care’s Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative Grant, Lynn Public Schools has partnered with Leo. Jack Robinson Childcare Center and the Gregg House Preschool Program to expand access to affordable high quality preschool opportunities in the city of Lynn.

Families can apply for this program through the Lynn Public Schools Preschool Lottery. Students qualify if they meet the criteria outlined in the grant and are selected from the Lynn Public Schools Preschool Lottery waitlist. If the waitlist has been exhausted and we still have openings, we will open this opportunity up for children three years of age. This will also follow a lottery process.

Preschool Schedule and Locations for School Year 2024-2025

Callahan Elementary
Harrington Elementary
LVTI Cubbies Den

Early Schools Half Day Programs
(5 Days)
AM: 7:45 - 10:25 AM
PM: 11:05 - 1:45 PM

Early Schools Full Day Programs
(5 Days)
FULL DAY 7:45 AM -1:45 PM

Hood Elementary
Cobbet Elementary
Early Childhood Center

Late Schools Half Day Programs
(5 Days)
AM: 8:15 - 10:55 AM
PM: 11:35 - 2:15 PM

Late Schools Full Day Programs
(5 Days)
FULL DAY  8:15 AM -2:15 PM

Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Programs
Gregg House Preschool                                                         
11 Webster St. Lynn, MA
Open 7 AM until 5 PM

Jack Robinson Childcare Center
40 Commercial St. Lynn, MA
Open 8 AM until 4 PM


 LPS Preschool Curriculum Overview
View The Preschool Curriculum Document


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