LPS Magnet Schools Application Process
In seeking innovative programming and opportunities to engage students in rigorous and relevant opportunities, we are happy to share with you the amazing opportunity to bring Magnet Schools to Lynn Public Schools and serve grade 6-12 students by submitting an application to the US DOE on May 13th, 2024 for 5-years of funding to develop college and career pathway choices while upholding equity through diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
What is a Magnet School?
A Magnet School provides vision, leadership and support for innovative programs that promote choice, equity, diversity, access, and excellence for all students. It can be a public elementary or secondary school or center that offers a special curriculum capable of attracting substantial numbers of students of different racial backgrounds and neighborhoods.
What do we hope to accomplish with Magnet Schools Designation?
- Open a STEAM Academy which serves students in grades 6-12 with an interdisciplinary experience in Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics that promotes design-thinking and innovation.
- Offer College and Career Themed-Based Pathways at each large comprehensive high schools.
- Prepare students for top In-Demand careers in the next 10 years in our region, state, and nationally in the fields of Information Technology, Medical Health Sciences, Manufacturing, Environmental & Life Sciences, and Engineering.
What would be different in learning at each high school?
- Students will receive instruction through project-based learning which enables critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills.
- Students will have access to courses that are aligned to a college and career themed pathway that would support them with on-demand skills to enter the workforce and college prepared to succeed and earn a livable wage.
- Students will receive rigorous instruction through high quality instructional materials aligned to industry standards and relevant to the world they live in today and the trajectory of our future economy.
How will students know what pathway to choose in 8th grade?
All middle school students beginning in 6th grade will receive the myCAP experience annually. MyCAP (My Career and Academic Plan) process engages grades 6–12 students in authentic postsecondary planning through a continuum of learning focused on the individual student's interests, skills, and talents. By eighth grade, students will be able to identify what high interest career pathways they would like to experience in high school through elective offerings.
Will students no longer receive general education courses?
All secondary students will need to meet the graduation requirements adopted by the School Committee, March 2024 which is aligned to the Massachusetts Common Core that includes: 4 years of English, 4 years of Math, 3 years of Science, Health/PE, Arts, and 2 years of World Languages. There will be opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and learning to reinforce career-related habits of mind and work. Students will have an opportunity to choose electives that lead to a comprehensive experience in a career field.
Next Steps
- Students and Families review the Magnet School Presentation (English/Spanish)
- Attend an LPS Community Forum on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 5pm – 6pm to learn more and ask questions and/or
- Complete the survey here on which pathways we should develop in LPS for our future graduates by Wednesday, April 24, 2024 by 8pm.
- Lynn School Committee votes on Thursday, April 25, 2024 for LPS to submit the Magnet School Application.
- Submit Magnet School Application on May 13, 2024 to USDOE.
- USDOE announces in September 2025, if LPS is awarded.
- SY 24-25 – Design and Planning Phase
- SY 25-26 and SY 26-27 – Implementation Phase
- SY 27-28 and SY 28-29 – Sustainability Planning Phase
We look forward to your input on the survey and/or your participation in the community forum.
Thank you,
Maricel Goris
Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Shannon Gardner
Executive Director, Innovation and Grants