LPS will continue to use health educators to train teachers in the Second Step Curriculum and act as model teachers. They will also provide the LifeSkills Training Program in the middle Schools. These programs were chosen from the US Department of Education SDFS list of Exemplary and/or Promising Programs. Programs on this list have scientifically based research evidence that shows they are effective at reducing violence and illegal drug use.
The Second Step program integrates academics with social and emotional learning. Students from grades PK-8 learn and practice vital social skills, such as empathy, emotion management, problem solving, and cooperation. These essential skills help students in the classroom, on the playground, and at home. Research has shown implementation of the program to reduce discipline referrals, improve school climate by building feelings of inclusiveness and respect, and increase the sense of confidence and responsibility in students.
The LifeSkills Training middle school program is a substance abuse prevention program based on scientific research. In addition to helping students resist drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, the LifeSkills program also helps to reduce violence and other high-risk behaviors. The program teaches personal self-management skills such as creative problem solving, reducing stress and anxiety, managing anger and avoiding violence. It helps students to build defenses against pressures to use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
The High school health curriculum is aligned with the MA frameworks using the Glencoe Health 2009 edition book. The district has committed to purchasing 200 new Glencoe Health 2009 edition books, one hundred for each high school. Each health course will run half year.